Turkey (View currency rates) |
Time Zone (GMT): | +2 |
Population: | 76,667,864 |
Capital City: | Ankara |
Largest City: | Istanbul |
Currency: | Turkish Lira |
Currency Code: | TRY |
Banknote Denominations: | 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200 |
Exchangeable Currencies: | All major |
* Lowest Returnable Note: | 5 |
Additional Information: | New notes (as shown) entered circulation on 1st. January 2009. The old style notes ceased to be valid at the end of 2009 but are still redeemable at branches of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey until 31 December 2019 |
* When selling currency back to most bureaux. Coins are generally NOT returnable.