Country and Currency Information

(View currency rates)
Time Zone (GMT):+2
Capital City:Cairo
Largest City:Cairo
Currency:Egyptian Pounds = 100 piastres
Currency Code:EGP
Banknote Denominations:1 / 5 / 10 / 20 / 50 / 100 / 200
Exchangeable Currencies:All major
* Lowest Returnable Note:50
Additional Information:New 1-pound banknotes started to be produced again in June 2016. Notes in `piastres` may also exist but they are of very low value

* When selling currency back to most bureaux. Coins are generally NOT returnable.

GOV.UK Travel Advice

Friday 26 April 2024 12:36pm
Removal of some language on military activity in the region ('Warnings and insurance' page).

(This information was still current on the GOV.UK website 18 minutes ago)