Country and Currency Information

(View currency rates)
Time Zone (GMT):+2
Capital City:Jerusalem
Largest City:Jerusalem
Currency:Israeli Shekels = 100 agorot
Currency Code:ILS
Banknote Denominations:20 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 (planned)
Exchangeable Currencies:All major
* Lowest Returnable Note:20
Additional Information:The new 50 Israeli Shekel note was issued September 2014. This new series will be continued from 2016 onwards

* When selling currency back to most bureaux. Coins are generally NOT returnable.

GOV.UK Travel Advice

Wednesday 11 September 2024 5:03pm
Updated information on border crossings, new information on risk of violent incidents and an increased risk of political tensions. (See ‘Warnings and Insurance’ and ‘Safety and Security’ pages)

(This information was still current on the GOV.UK website 10 minutes ago)