Country and Currency Information

(View currency rates)
Time Zone (GMT):+3
Capital City:Nairobi
Largest City:Nairobi
Currency:Kenyan Shilling = 100 cents
Currency Code:KES
Banknote Denominations:50 / 100 / 200 / 500 / 1,000
Exchangeable Currencies:All major
* Lowest Returnable Note:200
Additional Information:A new set of Kenya banknotes should be in circulation by February 2015.

* When selling currency back to most bureaux. Coins are generally NOT returnable.

GOV.UK Travel Advice

Wednesday 11 September 2024 3:40pm
Information about a disruption at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, due to ongoing strike action, that is affecting flights and access to and from the airport (See ‘Warnings and Insurance’ page).

(This information was still current on the GOV.UK website 14 minutes ago)