Country and Currency Information

(View currency rates)
Time Zone (GMT):+8
Capital City:Singapore City
Currency:Singapore Dollar = 100 cents
Currency Code:SGD
Banknote Denominations:2 / 5 / 10 / 50 / 100 / 1,000 / 10,000
Exchangeable Currencies:All major
* Lowest Returnable Note:10
Additional Information:There are both paper and polymer notes in circulation. The designs of the polymer notes are very similar to the corresponding paper note except for the slightly slippery feel and a small transparent window design in the corner of the banknote. Polymer notes are progressively replacing the paper banknotes in circulation. The $10,000 note is one of the world's most valuable banknotes. It is no longer being printed to reduce the risk of money laundering

* When selling currency back to most bureaux. Coins are generally NOT returnable.